Friends Support Nancy jones houseThe Nancy jones House (9391 Chapel hill road, Cary)
The Nancy Jones House is one of four Cary properties individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This distinction is granted to properties that have a unique historic and architectural character and are deemed worthy of preservation for their significance to the cultural heritage of the nation. This honor was bestowed on the Nancy Jones House in 1984. Learn more about Cary's National Register Properties here. What makes the Nancy jones house worthy of National Register status?The National Register Nomination for the Nancy Jones House identifies three areas of the property’s historic significance: architecture, communications and politics (folklore). The relevant historic period is 1800-1899. Architectural Significance: A fine example of vernacular Federal architecture, the Nancy Jones House, built around 1803, is also the oldest remaining house in the Cary area. Communications: The National Register Nomination does not offer any explicit discussion regarding the role of The Nancy Jones house in communications. However, with the house being the primary stagecoach stop and tavern on the Raleigh-Chapel Hill route during the antebellum period, it would be reasonable to conclude that it served as a gathering place where information and ideas were shared. Politics (Folklore): The stagecoach stop and tavern was visited by a number of political dignitaries, including President James K. Polk, the eleventh U.S. president, as well as former North Carolina governors John Branch, John Motley Morehead and William Alexander Graham. The National Register Nomination states, “It seems likely that, on one occasion or another, practically all of the state’s governors in the mid-nineteenth century stopped at the Jones House.” Perhaps the greatest claim to fame for the Nancy Jones House comes from a popular legend that is not without controversy. The legend holds that in 1838, the governors of North Carolina and South Carolina met at the tavern. After quickly consuming their first servings of apple and peach brandy, they waited for their second round to be served. During that time, North Carolina’s Governor Edward Dudley was heard to say, “It’s been a damn long time between drinks!” We can only imagine how mortified proprietor Nancy Jones must have been! Now, for the controversy. The famous quote has also been attributed to several different politicians at a number of other locations, including the home of a prominent banker in Columbia, South Carolina; a banquet in Raleigh; and the “Old White” hotel, predecessor to the Greenbrier resort, in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. The controversy and various versions are set out in a 1938 article in the Cambridge Sentinel of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Learn more about the history of the Nancy Jones House here. What has been done to ensure preservation of the Nancy jones house?The Friends of the Page-Walker have monitored the status of the Nancy Jones House for many years and have placed it high on our list of preservation priorities. In 2005, the FOPW Historic Preservation Committee began developing a plan for the preservation of the house. Committee members Bob Myers and Julie Robison were given a tour of the grounds and the interior. The committee worked to build public awareness of this cherished treasure, including it in the annual slideshow inventory presented by the Friends, “What Have We Got to Lose?” Contacts with Town staff and elected officials were maintained, with emphasis on preserving the structure for future generations. Our level of concern heightened when the property was purchased in 2016 by the neighboring Sri Venkateswara Temple of North Carolina as part of their expansion plan; it became unlikely that the house would be allowed to remain on its original site. May 3, 2019 - The Town of Cary announced that it had reached agreement to purchase the house from the Sri Venkateswara Temple, whose leaders had a strong desire that the house be preserved. We were relieved that the house would be saved, but unfortunately, the sale was conditioned on the house being moved to a new location. October 18, 2019 - The purchase was finalized. In the May 3rd announcement, Town Manager Sean Stegall said, “I think of the Nancy Jones house as a 216-year-old patient on the operating table who doctors are trying to save from dying. That’s what the agreement between the Temple and the Town accomplishes, and now we can take the time we need to work with our citizens on the next chapter Nancy Jones will play in our history.” Since acquiring the Nancy Jones House, the Town has worked to preserve the “216-year-old patient,” taking the following steps:
In an effort to keep the Nancy Jones House listed in the National Register during and after the move, the Town submitted a relocation report to the N.C. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The report was presented by SHPO to the National Register Advisory Committee (NRAC) in October. After their approval, the report was forwarded to the National Park Service for final decision. October 8, 2020 - The National Register Advisory Committee reviewed the town’s request for the Nancy Jones House to remain listed in the National Register of Historic Places during its relocation. The proposed new location is near the intersection of Chapel Hill Road and NW Maynard Road. The request was unanimously approved. The Committee’s recommendation was forwarded to the National Parks Service for a final decision. November 27, 2020 - The National Park Service approved the proposed move, saying, “The Nancy Jones House will remain listed in the National Register during the move. Final approval of continued listing of the house on its new site will be issued after the move.” Read the full text of the letter from the National Park Service here. March 20, 2021 - The Nancy Jones House was moved from its original site to a new site on Town property, just 500 feet away. The painstakingly careful move took nearly five hours, bringing the oldest house in Cary to Chapel Hill Road, then down the street and over to its new location. The town has produced a beautiful, informative, 14-minute video about moving this historic treasureto its new home. May 2022 - Cary received final confirmation that the Nancy Jones House would remain listed in the National Register of Historic Places. In early 2022, Cary's Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) initiated the process to recommend the Nancy Jones House be designated as a Local Historic Landmark. This process included having two HPC members visit the house, assess the house for historic integrity, and report back to the HPC. Following this assessment, a consultant was hired to complete the nomination report. In August 2022, the nomination report was forwarded to SHPO for their comment. June 2023 - Council unanimously voted to adopt an ordinance designating the Nancy Jones House a local historic landmark. WHAT'S NEXT FOR THE NANCY JONES HOUSE? In July 2024, the Council approved a budget that removed the $2.5 million allocated for historic preservation in 2024-25, most of which was to be used to restore the Nancy Jones House, citing concern for such a large financial commitment being recommended on the heels of the recent expenditures on the Ivey-Ellington House project. The Friends immediately proclaimed the following resolution at the Public Speaks Out section of the Town Council meeting on July 25:
The Town Council accepted in August 2024 the resolution and proclamation from the Friends of the Page-Walker and the Historic Preservation Commission that the Nancy Jones House should remain at its current location. A Uses committee has been established by the Historic Preservation Committee to determine an appropriate use for the house at that location. This step must be completed before consideration of reallocation of funds to restore and renovate the Nancy Jones House can take place. In addition, a plan for the restoration and renovation must be developed. Project updates on the rehabilitation of the Nancy Jones House are provided by the town here. Currently, the project-updates timeline on the town's website states: Winter 2024: Begin Scoping Rehabilitation Work - IN PROGRESS Determining a USE for the Nancy Jones HouseRepresentatives from the Friends of the Page-Walker are serving as research partners on the Nancy Jones House Uses Committee of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). The committee, comprising members of the HPC and partners from the Friends and Town staff, is meeting on a regular basis (twice a month) to determine appropriate uses for the house based on its location, interior size, and parking limitations.
September 5, 2024
The committee held its first meeting at which Town staff discussed zoning, champion tree, and storm water limitations, and buffer zones surrounding the property. With those limitations in mind, the committee will continue meeting to determine uses that seem reasonable.
November 2024
The committee presented a proposal to the board of the Friends of the Page-Walker and to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) outlining the use of the Nancy Jones House as a Cary History and Family Research Center. The Friends board and the HPC approved the proposal, which is now being evaluated by town staff before being presented to the Town Council for approval. Maintaining the Nancy Jones House UNTIL Final RESTORATION CAN BEGIN
January 2025
A contract was set up with Roots Building and Restoration, LLC to perform maintenance work that improves and protects the building envelop. Work will include things like covering any holes, flashing over some eaves to help prevent water intrusion, removing and replacing exposed and deteriorated weather barrier, adding Hardie Plank siding as needed, improving windowsills, repairing front porch roof decking and shingles, replacing rotted wood, and painting improved areas to seal and improve exterior appearance. This work is anticipated to start in March 2025 and take approximately 2 months to complete. Let Your Voice Be HeardIf you care about the preservation and restoration of the Nancy Jones House, please write to your Town Council representative to let them know. If you don't know who your representative is, you can find out here. Share your thoughts with us at SOURCES: